Anne Cadoret is a Senior Lecturer in Geography and Land-use Planning at Aix-Marseille University, CNRS TELEMMe. She works on processes of conflict within terrirories in the frame of social geography studies of the environment and more particularly on vulnerable areas such as coastal zones and seas. She is interested in the causes of conflicts, their mechanisms and what follows in terms of actor dynamics, governance, attachment to locations, feelings of injustice and social innovations in a context of socio-environmental changes. Shes pays attention to the strategies of actors and the territorialization of public environmental policies for biodiversity conservation, particularly in the Marine Protected Areas. She has contributed to several research projects such as the « Marhagouv » European program (2019-2020). She is equally a member of the scientific council of Port-Cros National Park and the Prado Reefs in Marseille. Anne is closely working with researchers of the FIDELIO project who are doing research at the Calanques National Park.